Thinking outside the box

We are thinking outside the box today!  I'm excited to share exterior pictures so you can get a sense of the property and the exterior of the house.  There's so much to explore and we are just scratching the surface.

THAT picture was a panorama I took on my phone on the afternoon of closing day.  Blew me away.

You might remember that when we first visited this house it was raining sideways and freezing cold.  Not the best for pictures or home-shopping.  But we still loved it and we documented as much as we could.  After all, this is about adventure right?  Not convenience.  So I've still included those below.

If you've already gotten a taste of the interior layout, then you'll also want to see the design we are planning for the renovation.  Our contractor found a way to make better use of the dead hallway by giving us a foyer at the front door, a private hallway to a master suite with a new bath and large closet, all while preserving the balance and historic details of the original rooms in the living room and master bedroom.

Here's what he sketched for us that won us over:

See those stones on the drawing?  Inspiration for Kevin's salvaged-stone-stoop idea.  It's all falling into place.

Ok, let's get outside.

Here's a visit to the river with my mom in December.  Actually, it's two rivers!  The North Little Fork and the South Little Fork join together at our property and drift on in the Little River toward the Eno and Falls Lake.

The next shots are panoramas from our realtor on a snow day.  Yeah, it helped sealed the deal.

And back to a sunny day in November looking down the road and around our front yard.

Then, of course, the original sideways-rain day that stole our hearts, walking all over the property and around the house in no particular order.



Demo day (is this my life?)


Putting a face to the name