tractors and rainbows

You're not really tractorin until you get stuck.  Isn't that how the saying goes?

We did it.  We bought a John Deere 3032E and a rotary cutter attachment.  The last few months have been crazy (to say the least) in our lives, but we stayed the course and Kevin got out there to bush hog the fields in September.  It looks amazing.  He even cleared the gulley with the weedwhacker before fall. 

Sure, he got stuck on the first weekend when he ventured a little too low toward the springs by the river.  But how else will you know the limits?  Kevin and his dad removed the attachments, hooked up to the Honda Pilot, and quickly pulled out of the mud.  Our boys were happy to help "clean" the mud off the tractor with spray bottles and scrub brushes afterwards.

We also dug up the satellite dish outside our master bedroom window-- literally four feet of concrete.  I couldn't believe it.  It was the hardest outside job we've ever done.  Here's the after, looking out from our master bedroom, and I'll add more pictures from Kevin's phone (since I was drenched in sweat and still filling in dirt until it was totally done).

Since then, our fall garden has grown and gotten a facelift with new fencing and two doors that open up wide enough for the tractor bucket.  That was a big project this past weekend with fall approaching.  The deers have been walking up closer to the house and eating all of our lettuce, chard, and beet greens.  Hopefully this will protect the veggies a little, especially my favorite, the sugar snap peas!

Inside, we finally hung curtains in the boys' room (instead of garbage bags!) and they can enjoy a lot more light during waking hours.

I will tell you, we've felt a little stuck in life lately, too.  There have been a lot of challenges between caring for this place, attending to our full-time jobs, raising small children, and keeping ourselves well, too.  The last few weeks we kept our older son out of school and made time for a lot of adventures with him.  Both boys started at a new school this morning.  Transitions are hard but I look forward to a lot more fun together in the fall.  We snuck in a pumpkin patch trip in Hillsborough late yesterday afternoon.

As a family we've spent lots of time outside in the backyard and working on our property.  We've driven around in the pickup truck, explored the river and the "cove" toward camp, even ventured onto our neighbors' property to tour the three-story house they are building.  It's given us new eyes and ideas for what we can do in our space.  A double rainbow across the street helps the cause.  Little turtles help, too. We are admittedly tired, but not too tired to dream.  The adventure continues. 


first fires


endless summer