swarming termites

Two words:  swarming termites.  I'm dead.  I'm debating whether to post pictures for you.

Septic and termites and mice, oh my.

That's the least gross picture I have for you.

I was working from home in the kitchen today, while the septic guys were making a repair out back and Curt was nailing up shiplap.  (Sidenote:  even a small septic repair requires an excavator.  You also should not set your washing machine to start automatically on this day.  The guys will not be happy with you when it turns on.)

I looked up and noticed literal swarms of tiny winged bugs all over the floor of the kitchen near the doorway.  They seriously appeared out of thin air. I started to shoo them and swat them and spray them with vinegar and clean them up and discovered more and more more, into the living room, and even creating tiny piles of sawdust on the door frame and in my dining room table.  There were a lot of expletives and a lot of furious cleaning.

I googled and texted Kevin.  We spent a few minutes pretending they were ants who came in on a picnic blanket from the outside.  In the pit of my stomach, I knew it was termites.  We honestly expected to find them months ago and were always surprised when we got the report, "no active termites."  Like, are you SURE?

The owner of the termite/pest company who inspected and treated the house called me as soon as I emailed over the pictures.  He said they are, indeed "swarming termites" and they show themselves this time of year when they reproduce.  ICK.  He's coming tomorrow to start treating the house and I'm sure it will cost a million dollars.

But again, of course we have termites in a house this old.  He asked me how old, and I said 1800, and he said "like 220 years old?"  I mean, when you put it like that...

P.S. We have some mice, too.  And gophers under the house.  I know.  220 years old.  This is the icky part.

vanity update


benny's hill